Site News
April 6, 2012
Udated Links page.
March 20, 2011
Still coding, slowly but surely. I've spent some time here and there revisiting a few projects. Watch the Project News Page for updates.
July 26, 2009
I've finally got around to making a Site Map. I also went through and did some clean up to some of the main non-project pages.
April 12, 2008
The ClusterMap has been archived. The map is freshened once a year, and the previous map's snapshot is added to the archive. To view the archive you click on the cluster map then click 'Maps Archive' in the Navigation bar above the full sized map.
I'm considering a different logo. Although the original one was eye-catching and memorable, I'm swayed towards seeking a more professional appearing logo. I'm undecided about actually changing it. What alternatives I come up with will determine the old logo's fate. For now, it will be removed from page headings.
Januare 28, 2008
I've added a PayPal donation page. Also I cleaned up some of the main templates used to generate the site's web pages.
October 22, 2007
I've taken on some more responsabilities and my free time has reduced a bit. I've got around half of the project pages updated to the new web site layout. I have a few projects close to a new build.
September 9, 2007
This website is in the process of being completely revised to be compatible with a greater number of browsers and provide a better nicer looking site. The main pages are all new, and the project's pages are being updated one by one. The updated pages will need some finish work and testing, but the entire web site should be completely functional through the new pages.