Cpp Client News
April 10, 2008
I've been mostly planning and poking around at the project. Planning of the interface led to adding a pop-up login form and changing a few things around slightly. I've started writing some code to handle chat and IM buffers. I'm considering the possibility of multiple logins.
First on the list is adding the proper chat/pager pings. Next will be looking for the captcha image bug, looking into displaying that image from a stream or otherwise without having to save the image to disk first. The possibility of using the CLX cross-platform Borland Visual Components
Library depends heavily on this Jpeg issue. I want to avoid adding any library which will add cumbersome licensing to the project. I do plan on releasing the source code eventually. I plan on releasing binaries, then for competitiveness, releasing the source code later. Like the newest source
code will always be a little old compared to the binary. That is a long ways away to worry about. First I need to write up a license for the XLibrary, the underlying basic modules the client relies on. This will be a custom OSCPL type license. The client's license may differ.
CppClient is obviously a temporary name, but no descent ideas come to mind. I'm worried that Yahoo® in the name, even generically, would be a trademark issue. Also the common Yah-something naming convention is pretty much played out. That leaves something completely original.
There are many ideas for the future of this project including boot/flood protection techniques and spam filtering. Also some more unique features to be explored including IRC interpolity or conference usage for private user rooms in some fashion.
April 4, 2008
Project Posted.